KFC, Burger King and Popeye’s Painted FLA-CVN-Mexico

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: February 5, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexican Eateries

Received anonymously

On February 5th, a march was carried out against bullfighting. Convening on the outskirts of the ‘monumental’ Plaza de Toros Mexico the majority of the activists (vegetarians, vegans, environmentalists, etc.) were of a pacifist attitude towards this place. On the same day– but at night– near the multinational killers (KFC, Burger King and Popeye’s) activists of the Frente de Liberacion Animal -Comando Verde Negro (ALF-CVN) committed to attack these and cause economic sabotage; their walls, windows, ground, chairs and floor were stained with red paint and the mark of the FLA. This is just one example of how Direct Action can do more to hurt the interests of the bourgeois speciest than just flyers and shouts against animal exploiters.

We appeal to animal liberation activists– leave your pacifist ways and dedicate yourself to something more than just attending a march and afterwards not doing anything else for the animals.

They have no voice.
They can’t organize.
They need your help for their freedom.

El pasado 5 de febrero se llevo a acabo una marcha en contra de las corridas de toros, convocada a las afueras de la “monumental” plaza de toros Mexico, la mayoria de l=s activistas )vegetarian=s, vegan=s, ambientalistas, ecologistas etc…) fueron con una actitu pasifica hacia ese lugar; ese mismo dia pero por la noche, cerca de las multinacionales asesinas (KFC, Burguer King y Popeye`s) activistas del frente de Liberacion Animal – Comando Verde Negro (FLA-CVN) se dedicaron a atacarlas y causar un sabotaje economico, sus paredes, vidrios, masas, sillas y piso fueron manchas con pintura roja, y consignias del FLAesto solo es un ejemplo de que la Accion Directa puede causar un mayor daño hacia los intereses de la burguesia especista que solo unos bolantes y gritos contra los explotadores de animales.
Hacemos un llamado a l=s activistas por la liberacion animal que dejen la via pasifica y se dediquen a algo mas que asistir a marchas y despues no hacer nada por l=s animales,
Ellos no tienen voz,
No pueden organizarse,
Necesitan de tu apoyo para Liberarse!
FLA-CVN- Mexico