Circus in Mexico Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: December 24, 2007
Institution targeted: Circus

Received anonymously

On December 24, the Animal Liberation Front – Mexico (FLAM) painted on a circus where they have imprisoned our brothers and humiliated and tortured them physically and psychologically. NO MORE CIRCUSES WITH ANIMALS was what appeared on the big top and cars of circus speciests.
No more speciesism, long live the FLAM!

el pasado 24 de diciembre, el Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) hizo pintas en un circo en donde tienen a nuestros hermanos presos de la humillacion y de la toruta fisica y psicologica, NO MAS CIRCOS CON ANIMALES fue lo que aparecio en la carpa y autos de especistas cirquences.
no mas especismo, viva el FLAM!