FLA Targets Mexican Medical School

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal
Date: May 31, 2010
Institution Targeted: Mexican Medical School

Received anonymously:

On Tuesday, May 26 at about one o’clock in the morning, the frente de liberacion animal attacked one of so many targets; rejecting passivity we decided to go to battle against vile anthropocentrism, throwing paint bombs at this vile institution full of vivisectors–the medical school–decorating the premises and at the same time getting lost in the shadows and darkness of that night. Perhaps it was not an action with much significance, but as we have said we broke with passivity and that is something very important; we are not compliant and so we went out to spread the flame of insurrection, abandoning the consumerist routine…

Through this communique we want to send a strong greeting to our comrade Diego Alonso. We are very happy to know that day after day you mock the authority and their dirty system. Also, we have not forgetten his namesake, Diego Rios of Chile and the vegan anarchists Abraham López and Adrian Magdaleno! Also, a fraternal greeting to our anti-authoritarian comrades Víctor Herrera, Emmanuel Hernández and Socorro Molinero!…

To all of them we want to say that you are not alone; we continue on fighting for your immediate freedom!!!
Greetings to those who struggle, that the flame spreads further day by day!


El pasado martes 26 de mayo alrededor de la una de la madrugada,el frente de liberacion animal ataco uno de tantos objetivos,rompiendo con la pasividad desidimxs salir a combatir al maldito antropocentrismo lanzando bombas de pintura a esta maldita institucion llena de vivisectorxs que es la escuela de medicina, decorando sus instalaciones y asi mismo desidimxs perdernxs entre sombras y la oscuridad de esa noche,quizas no sea una accion con mucha trascendencia pero como lo hemos dicho rompemos con la pasividad que para muchos es algo de suma importancia ya que no estamxs conformes y asi salimxs a extender la llama de la insurreccion dejamos la rutina consumista..

Y desde este medio queremxs mandar un fuerte abraso al compañero Diego Alonso que estamxs muy contentos de saber que burla dia con dia ala autoridad y su sucio sistema,y tambien no olvidamxs a su tocayo Diego rios de chile! y a los anarco veganos Abraham López y Adrian Magdaleno! tambien un saludo fraternal para los compas antiautoritarios Víctor Herrera, Emmanuel Hernández y Socorro Molinero!.

A todxs ellxs queremxs desirles que no estan solxs seguimxs aqui luchando por su libertad inmediata.!!!
saludxs a lxs que luchan,que la llama se extienda dia con dia..!!
